• Indora,Kangra(H.P)
  • chairman@minervacollege.edu.in
  • +91-7814800140

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Ms. Darshna Kumari

Brand Ambassador

Minerva college not only focuses on academics but also on the child’s development. It has excellent faculties. It has an amazing campus that provides a good ambience to study.

Mr. Krishan Kumar


At Minerva College of Education, the schedule is very flexible for the students & individual Concentration is there on every student. They provide amazing study material which provides more than sufficient practice.


Ms. Savita Bhatia


In my one year at this college, I learnt many things and have improved my knowledge. I have learnt many new things. I like the faculties and I feel I have the best environment for my studies.

Ms. Manu Sharma


In my campus life is very good its infrastructure has all facilities that should be provided students did our different activities in which students can enroll themselves quiz is held on extracurricular activities that carries sports event like Football, Cricket, and different activities.


Ms. Sanjna Kumari


The best thing about my college is that everybody in the college is a new learning day where we get to explore new areas of knowledge and activities like lecture demonstration, panel discussion, lectures by guest competition, festival, etc.

Ms. Satya Devi


Teaching at our College is exceptionally good as the faculty focuses on every corner of the topic. They not only focus on the curriculum but also enhance our innate wisdom.


Why chose us

One of The best Education College in Kangra,Himachal Pradesh Offer Quality Education.

Trending Courses

We Offer Demanding Coourses which helps students to pursue their career in Relevant Stream Line

Books & Library

Huge Range of Library Books and journal Helps students gain knowledge from different prespective

Certified Teachers

We have Ph.d & UGC-NET Qualified Staff which Guide and counsil students to their respective career .